Health News

Limiting inflammation may improve flu vaccination response in older people

We are currently witnessing the ability of vaccination programs to limit the burden of infectious disease on both individuals and society. Despite their success, most vaccines are not completely effective, and efficacy varies significantly due to individual immune response but also age and other factors. Understanding the cellular and molecular interactions that lead to a […]

Health News

Patient-specific plates may help heal collarbone fractures

Fractures of the clavicle, or collarbone, are common. Unfortunately, current fixation plates that are used to surgically stabilize these fractures are suboptimal, leading to reoperation rates of up to 53%. A new study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Research indicates that custom plates developed through computer modeling may be a better option. In the study, the […]

Health News

Saliva testing may allow early detection of human papillomavirus–driven head and neck cancers

Cancer causing high-risk human papillomaviruses (HR-HPV) are responsible for the rising incidence of HR-HPV–driven head and neck cancers (HNC), particularly oropharyngeal cancers (OPC, or throat cancers). Investigators have determined that HR-HPV DNA can be detected in saliva in most patients with HPV-driven OPC at the time of diagnosis. This work highlights a potentially life-saving screening […]

Health News

MAIT cell activation may play a role in fatal outcomes among severe COVID-19 cases

The mortality rate of COVID-19 patients requiring mechanical ventilation is 30-40%, however, the immunological factors associated with death in critically ill COVID-19 patients are poorly understood. A study published in PLOS Pathogens by Jonathan Youngs at St. George’s University of London, United Kingdom and colleagues suggests an association between systemic inflammation responses and increased mortality […]

Health News

Your ZIP code may be a factor in how long you’ll stay active

Older people living in less advantaged neighborhoods become disabled roughly two years earlier than their counterparts in more affluent neighborhoods, according to a new Yale study. The findings, published Aug. 23 in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, shed new light on the role environment plays in the disabling process. The data also point to a […]

Health News

This Much Coffee May Be Detrimental To Your Health

Coffee culture promotes endless caffeine consumption as a necessity for daily life. Between posters and Instagram accounts dedicated solely to touting the benefits of drinking coffee, it’s easy to overdo it on this seemingly harmless drink. But, coffee is loaded with caffeine which is a stimulant; over time, this can impact your brain and body […]