In the European Region, 44 people are diagnosed per Minute of contaminated food, for of 4,700 people a year, the disease is fatal. The world health organization (WHO) reports. Experts believe that this is just the tip of the iceberg and the actual number of cases is much higher. Diarrhoea pathogens to be the cause […]
Higher BMI linked with increased risk of serious health problems and death in study of 2.8 million UK adults
A new study has shed light on the link between higher body mass index (BMI) and serious health outcomes and death in over 2.8 million adults representative of the UK population. The new estimates, being presented at this year’s European Congress on Obesity (ECO) in Glasgow, UK (28 April-1 May), indicate that adults with severe […]
30 million Green prescriptions issued
For 15 years, cash patients receive in the doctor’s office more and more often a so-called Green recipe. Many statutory health insurance companies reimburse now a part of the cost of medicines, which are prescribed in this way. Doctors in North Rhine-issued to their patients since then, about 30 million Green recipes. Since the beginning […]
Widely used reference for the human genome is missing 300 million bits of DNA
For the past 17 years, most scientists around the globe have been using the nucleic acid sequence, or genome, an assembly of DNA information, from primarily a single individual as a kind of “baseline” reference and human species representation for comparing genetic variety among groups of people. Known as the GRCh38 reference genome, it is […]
Deadly Ebola outbreak in eastern Congo reaches city of 1.4 million
Since August 1 the current Ebola outbreak has seen 93 confirmed cases which have caused 54 deaths . (Reuters) BENI, Congo – Congo health officials say that a case of Ebola has been discovered in Butembo, a city of 1.4 million people in the country’s northeast. Jessica Ilunga, a Ministry of Health communication officer, said […]
‘Million Hearts’ Project Aims to Prevent 1 Million Cardiac Crises
THURSDAY, Sept. 6, 2018 — Millions of Americans aren’t taking simple steps that could ward off a potentially fatal heart attack or stroke, a new government report shows. Heart attacks, strokes and other heart-related conditions caused 2.2 million hospitalizations in 2016, new research from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found. Many of […]