Health News

Ariel Winter Just Cut Off Part Of Her Thumb While Cooking

Ariel Winter accidentally sliced off the top of her thumb while cooking. The injury required a visit to the hospital because she sliced into an artery. Ariel says she’ll likely have a “sad-looking thumb” after it heals. Ariel Winter justlanded in the last place anyone wants to be these days—the hospital—after accidentally slicing off the […]

Health News

Wound healing in mucous tissues could ward off AIDS

Wound healing events in mucous tissues during early infection by Simian Immunodeficiency Virus, or SIV, guard some primate species against developing AIDS, a recent study has learned. The research looked at why certain species can carry the virus throughout their lives, and still avoid disease progression. SIV is closely related to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. […]