Health News

Israel to offer COVID jabs in schools to avoid closures

Israel said Monday it would offer COVID-19 vaccinations to students on school grounds as it announced the school year would open on time next week, despite surging coronavirus cases. “Pupils… will be vaccinated on school grounds during school hours, subject to parental approval,” a government statement said, confirming classes would begin on September 1. Israeli […]

Health Problems

Why can’t Bertrand Might cry? Scientists offer an answer: missing water channels

Scientists at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute have shown that cells from children with NGLY1 deficiency—a rare disorder first described in 2012—lack sufficient water channel proteins called aquaporins. The discovery was published in Cell Reports and may help explain the disorder’s wide-ranging symptoms—including the inability to produce tears, seizures and developmental delays—and opens new […]

Kids Health

Why suburban parks offer an antidote to helicopter parenting

Well-designed suburban parks could be an antidote to helicopter parenting. As well as giving kids much-needed time outdoors being active, suburban parks offer kids opportunities to decide what activities they do, new research shows. It’s an ideal opportunity for parents to let go of their task-focused daily agendas, even if just for a little while. […]

Health Problems

Tailored drug cocktails offer hope to kids with aggressive brain tumors

UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals are harnessing next-generation genomic technology to develop individualized drug cocktails in a new trial for children with a type of malignant brain tumor. This precision-medicine approach offers a new strategy in the treatment for high-grade glioma, an intractable brain cancer in which survival has plateaued for decades. In the trial, UCSF […]

Health Problems

Brain game doesn’t offer brain gain

A new study led by a team of Western University neuroscientists has debunked claims that getting better at a brain training game can translate to improved performance in other, untrained cognitive tasks. This study, published in the journal Neuropsychologia, set out to test whether hours of ‘brain training’ in one game could give someone an […]