A recent study by researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) found that when it comes to making financial decisions under risk, older adults will regard the financial outcomes of others’ as their own and make choices that they would have selected for themselves. “Citizens in approximately one-third of the countries around the world […]
Older people can come to believe their own lies
What happens when older adults lie? A new study suggests that in as little as 45 minutes they can come to believe it’s the truth. Associate professor of psychology Angela Gutchess and her colleagues published the research online in the journal Brain and Cognition. Gutchess and her collaborators used electroencephalography (EEG) to monitor the brain […]
Half of older women suffer incontinence, many don’t tell their doc
(HealthDay)—Nearly half of older American women have urinary incontinence, but many have not talked to a doctor about it, a new national poll shows. More than 1,000 women, aged 50 to 80, were asked questions about their bladder control. The poll found that 43 percent of those in their 50s and 60s had urinary incontinence. […]
Study suggests more older women may benefit from bone drugs
A bone-strengthening drug given by IV every 18 months greatly lowered the risk of fracture in certain older women, a large study found. The results suggest these medicines might help more people than those who get them now and can be used less often, too. Broken bones are a scourge of aging. A hip fracture […]
Grip strength tied to pulmonary function in older women
(HealthDay)—For older Korean women, handgrip strength is positively associated with pulmonary function, according to a study published in the July issue of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Da-Hye Son, M.D., from Yonsei University College of Medicine in Seoul, South Korea, and colleagues conducted a cross-sectional study of a representative sample of 605 community-dwelling […]
Changes in older people’s central nervous system lead to compromised ability to sense movement
The central nervous system of older individuals responds to movement and initiates muscular contraction differently compared to young individuals. This is the result of a study led by researcher Simon Walker at the University of Jyväskylä with Postdoctoral Researcher funding from the Academy of Finland. Walker’s team also found links between the ability to sense […]
Prostate cancer care for older men estimated to cost Medicare $1.2 billion
Researchers from the University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center estimate that screening for and treating prostate cancer in men aged 70 years or older, which is not recommended by national guidelines, cost Medicare more than $1.2 billion over a three year period for each group of men diagnosed in the United States each […]
Older adults who get physical can lower their heart disease risk
Adults in their early 60s, who spend less time sitting and more time engaged in light to vigorous physical activity, benefit with healthier levels of heart and vessel disease markers, according to new research in Journal of the American Heart Association, the Open Access Journal of the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. The results from […]
Mammography use tied to other preventive tests in older women
(HealthDay)—Women enrolled in Medicare who undergo screening mammography seem to have increased awareness and use of other preventive screening measures, according to a study published online June 5 in Radiology. Stella K. Kang, M.D., from New York University in New York City, and colleagues used Medicare claims (2010 to 2014) to retrospectively assess whether there […]