Health News

In teen friendships, misery does love company: Study finds teens with similar levels of anxiety and depression are more likely to remain friends

A new study on adolescent friendships offers support for the belief that misery really does love company. Researchers from Florida Atlantic University and collaborators examined the degree to which internalizing symptoms — anxiety, depression, social withdrawal, and submissiveness — predicted the dissolution of teen friendships. Do friendships end because of one child’s mental health problems […]

Health News

Teen tattoos: 1/2 of parents concerned about negative health effects, impact on employment: National Poll: 1/4 of parents of high school students say their teen has asked to get a tattoo; most common parental concern is future regret

Seventy-eight percent of parents in a national poll had a clear answer when asked how they would react if their own teen wanted a tattoo: absolutely not. However, another 1 in 10 parents thought a tattoo would be OK as a reward, to mark a special occasion or if the tattoo could be hidden. And […]