Health News

Malabsorption: Causes, symptoms, and diagnosis

Some commonly known disorders related to malabsorption are lactose intolerance and celiac disease. People with a history of bowel or stomach surgery may also have malabsorption disorders. Because malabsorption affects a person’s abilities to get nutrients from food, it is essential that they see a doctor to get a diagnosis and treatment as quickly as […]

Health News

10 Signs You Have An Iron Deficiency

About 9 percent of women suffer from an iron deficiency, according to the most recent stats from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—but that number’s even higher for physically active women, say experts. How can you tell if your levels are a little low? Be on the lookout for these 10 warning signs. FATIGUE“The […]

Health News

​5 Signs Your Bloating Isn't Normal

Over 30% of us complain of frequent bloating, according to a recent Dartmouth study. While PMS or dietary boo-boos (eating a few too many gassy veggies or drinking carbonated beverages) are often to blame, sometimes it can indicate a more serious health problem, says ob-gyn Sherry Ross. See your doctor ASAP if you notice any of the […]

Health News

5 Women Share How They Were Finally Diagnosed With PCOS

No two women experience polycystic ovary syndrome in the exact same way. PCOS, an endocrine disorder in which levels of reproductive hormones such as estrogen and testosterone are imbalanced, can trigger a wide range of symptoms, including (but not limited to!) irregular periods, migraines, facial hair growth, weight gain, insulin resistance, painful periods, ovarian cysts, […]

Health News

8 Signs You're Struggling With High-Functioning Anxiety

Despite it being the most common mental health condition in Australia, with one in three women affected, there are plenty of misconceptions around anxiety.  Sufferers are typically thought to be paralysed by panic attacks and withdrawn from the world, but this isn’t always the case. While it’s not an official diagnosis, “high-functioning” anxiety is something many people identify […]

Health News

Hernia after C-section: Symptoms, treatment, and recovery

A hernia that occurs after surgery is called an incisional hernia. Cesarean delivery is a surgical procedure that can create a weakness in the abdominal wall. A hernia occurs when part of the intestines or stomach protrudes outward through this weakened area, creating a bulge. In this article, we explain how to identify a hernia […]