Health News

Teeth whitening products can damage the tissue underneath

Teeth whitening products containing hydrogen peroxide can damage the tissue underneath and make them weaker Researchers studied teeth whitening strips and added to damaging evidence Real teeth were exposed to the bleaching agent and the underlying layer eroded Hydrogen peroxide – also used by dentists – is not tightly regulated, experts say Hydrogen peroxide used […]

Health Problems

Advancing bandage technology with lifelike skin tissue

Professor Sally McArthur’s bioengineering team have begun to make lifelike skin tissue to further studies on innovations such as cutting-edge smart bandages. In future, a bandage could attract and trap bacteria in its polymer mesh, trigger drug delivery in response to infection, or colour-map a wound. Humans have always been the best study subjects for […]

Health Problems

Eye research targets scar tissue that forms after surgery

Today’s cataract surgery is often described as a marvel of modern medicine, a one-hour outpatient procedure that has spared millions from blindness, especially in developed countries. But nothing is perfect. “Modern cataract surgery is one of the most miraculous human health innovations,” said Melinda Duncan, professor of biological sciences at the University of Delaware. “It […]