Health News

Developing a vaccine against Nipah virus

Nipah virus is a type of RNA virus transmitted from animals to humans. The infection causes severe respiratory illness and symptoms including cough, headache and fever, which can progress into encephalitis, seizure and coma. Currently, there is no approved vaccine against Nipah virus available on the market. In recent years, outbreaks, from bat-to-human or pig-to-human […]

Health News

Research explains public resistance to vaccination: Same force that influences economics and physics complicates efforts to prevent disease

Why is it so challenging to increase the number of people who get vaccinated? How does popular resistance to vaccination remain strong even as preventable diseases make a comeback? A new study from Dartmouth College shows that past problems with vaccines can cause a phenomenon known as hysteresis, creating a negative history that stiffens public […]

Health News

Millennials are more sceptical of vaccines

Millennials are more sceptical of vaccines because they haven’t been ‘exposed to the reality of a number of diseases’ Those aged 18-24 are 24% less likely to think vaccines are safe than the over-65s People between 25 and 34 are 39% less likely to be convinced of jabs’ safety Older people see vaccines as the […]

Health News

HPV vaccination does not negatively impact fertility in adolescents, large study finds

Adolescents who receive recommended vaccinations, including for human papillomavirus, have no increased risk of primary ovarian insufficiency, also known as premature menopause, according to a Kaiser Permanente study published today in Pediatrics. Rates of HPV vaccination have lagged behind coverage rates for other recommended adolescent vaccinations, such as tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis (Tdap) and meningococcal conjugate. Based […]