Health News

Second wave of kids with MIS-C had more severe illness than first wave

When comparing the first and second wave of patients diagnosed with multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), the second wave patients had more severe illness, according to a new prospective cohort study of 106 patients at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C. The results, published in the Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, show that despite increased […]

Health News

Russia’s virus wave strong; some regions plan to resume work

Russia on Friday reported nearly 1,200 deaths from COVID-19 over the past day, just short of its record in a persistent wave of coronavirus infections that closed most businesses in the country this week. The national coronavirus task force said 1,192 people died in the past 24 hours and 40,735 new infection cases were tallied. […]

Health News

Ontario imposes provincewide restrictions amid third wave

The leader of Canada’s most populous province announced Thursday what he calls a province wide shutdown for four weeks because of a third surge of coronavirus infections fueled by more contagious virus variants. Ontario Premier Doug Ford said they are fighting a new pandemic with the variants and said the virus is spreading faster. The […]