Health News

How To Work Out Your Daily Calorie Requirements

Ever wondered what the daily calorie intake for women looks like? While the NHS does give us a rough outline (quick re-cap: for those of us with two pairs of X chromosomes, that’s around 2,000kcal) of course, factors like how active you are will come into play. If you’re a diehard F45-er with a penchant for […]

Health News

What Is The Okinawa Diet And Could It Help You Lose Weight?

Okinawa isn’t just a region in Japan, it’s also the inspo behind a new eating regime designed specifically to maximise longevity. Reason being: the country has the longest life expectancy of anywhere in the word (90-years-old for women and 84-years-old for men. And considering it’s just 82 and a half for the average Aussie adult, […]

Health News

Diet Sensation: honey water promotes fast Slimming

Excess pounds reduce: With honey water to lose weight In the Christmas and new year holidays was feasted in many families, extensively. Often the Treats have caused an increase in weight. Who has made, in the new year to lose weight, you should try it with honey water. The drink not only helps in weight […]

Health News

Diet secret: honey water can help the Slimming

Excess pounds reduce: With honey water to lose weight In the Christmas and new year holidays was feasted in many families, extensively. Often the Treats have caused an increase in weight. Who has made, in the new year to lose weight, you should try it with honey water. The drink not only helps in weight […]

Health News

Get Inspired by These Incredible Weight Loss Transformations

When 32-year-old Kara Cline started experiencing panic attacks after having her second child, she knew she needed to make a major life change to be healthier for her family. Cline told PEOPLE she worked out vigorously in high school but when she went away to college, her routine changed. “I became complacent and the weight just kept […]