Anyone who follows a lot of beauty accounts on Instagram is probably familiar with the #minifridgeshelfie: an adorably tiny fridge curated with ‘gram-worthy skincare essentials. It’s probably millennial pink, and chances are it contains some candy-colored Drunk Elephant bottles, a sheet mask or two, and an artfully posed jade roller. If, like me, you spend way too much […]
10 Reasons Why You Should Feel Proud Right Now
Caring, compassionate animal lovers like you make a difference in the lives of countless animals in need year-round. And while you may not always see firsthand the remarkable outcomes your support creates, we want you to know that you should be proud of all you’ve helped accomplish, and all the animals’ lives you’ve touched. We […]
Why So Many Women in Midlife Are at Risk of Opioid Addiction
“I had a 10-year run, stealing, conniving,” Jamie Lee Curtis revealed about her battle with opioid dependence. “No one knew. No one.” Now, everyone knows. And if the actor’s courageous confession to People tells us anything, it’s that a dangerous dependence on prescription pain pills can happen to anyone. In fact, women in midlife — even those who never dabbled in […]
This Is Why More Women With Opioid Addictions Are Giving Birth
The opioid crisis in America is so severe that it was declared a public health emergency by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services last year. As of March 2018, more than 115 people die each day from an opioid overdose. But there’s another sobering statistic that isn’t discussed quite as often: The number […]
Why a Cold-Weather Workout Can Make You Cough—and What to Do About It
Q: Sometimes after I finish a run outside on a cold day, I have a coughing fit. What’s up with that? While winter workouts are great for some people, cold or dry air can trigger exercise-induced asthma (EIA) in others. EIA is a condition in which the small airways in the lungs swell, making it […]
Emotions: how humans regulate them and why some people can’t
Consider the following scenario: You are nearing the end of a busy day at work, when a comment from your boss diminishes what’s left of your dwindling patience. You turn, red-faced, towards the source of your indignation. It is then that you stop, reflect, and choose not to voice your displeasure. After all, the shift […]
Why heart contractions are weaker in those with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
When a young athlete suddenly dies of a heart attack, chances are high that they suffer from familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Itis the most common genetic heart disease in the US and affects an estimated 1 in 500 people around the world. A protein called myosin acts as the molecular motor which makes the muscles […]
Kids Are Eating More Fast Food Than Ever Before — Here's Why
Fast food has changed quite a bit in recent years. In addition to the usual burgers and fries on the menu, most restaurants now also offer healthier options like wraps, salads, fruit and yogurt. But that doesn’t mean everyone is eating well or as well they should. In fact, a new study out of the […]
Why Eating Disorders Disproportionately Affect This Minority Group
As a cisgender, Caucasian female in recovery from an eating disorder, I’m all too aware that I fit the bill for what we presume is the stereotypical eating disorder patient. So often in movies and TV shows that is all that is shown, so it never surprises me when others are surprised at the various […]
Researchers find answers as to why some people are at risk of gout
University of Otago researchers have helped characterise a genetic variant that enables new understanding of why some people are at risk of gout, a painful and debilitating arthritic disease. Gout is caused by persistently elevated levels of urate in the blood, which causes severe joint pain and swelling, especially in peoples’ toes, knees, elbows, wrists […]