In a world first, researchers from The Australian National University (ANU) have shown previously ignored rare genetic mutations are a major cause of lupus. The discovery is set to change our understanding of the causes of disease and potentially save lives. Lupus is an autoimmune disease that has no cure. It targets the body’s healthy […]
Why suburban parks offer an antidote to helicopter parenting
Well-designed suburban parks could be an antidote to helicopter parenting. As well as giving kids much-needed time outdoors being active, suburban parks offer kids opportunities to decide what activities they do, new research shows. It’s an ideal opportunity for parents to let go of their task-focused daily agendas, even if just for a little while. […]
The dirt on dirt: Why being squeaky clean can harm your health
Pity Pope Francis. When video footage emerged last month of him repeatedly pulling his right hand away as worshipper after worshipper moved forward from a long queue to kiss his ring, conservatives blasted him for disrespecting church tradition. The Pope later explained he was simply trying to reduce the risk of his flock picking up […]
Here's Why I'm Giving Birth Across an Ocean From My Home
I’ve always prided myself on being pretty self-sufficient. I moved to New York from the U.K. in my early 20s to pursue artistic endeavors and now, nine years later, I’m still here — married and pregnant. And I’m glad I’m about to give birth thousands of miles away from home. Although plenty of people — […]
Why measles matters
Measles is so contagious that one infected person can spread the respiratory virus to 90 percent of people in the same room—and it can live in the air for two hours. Often, an infected person doesn’t even know they have measles for several weeks. Early symptoms include a fever, cough, runny nose, and red eyes, […]
Why You Need to Get Your Kids Outside NOW
Most parents know it in their bones: Kids spend way too much time plopped in front of screens. We know that time outside and in nature is so important for growing brains and bodies, and yet, we all struggle with the question (that is ever-more-pressing as the years go by and the digital distractions increase): […]
Why stretching before exercise could be a total waste of time
Why stretching before exercise could be a total waste of time (and may make it even more likely you’ll suffer an injury) Some exercises we were told do at school may actually do more harm than good It’s important to note that some people are naturally ‘stretchier’ than others This is because of the amount […]
Dermatologists explain Why it is enough to take a shower twice a week – Video
Anyone who pays attention to a good body hygiene, is usually daily in the shower. Experts claim, however, is that you have to. On the contrary, Daily showers can even be harmful. ©glomex From our network of CHIP: how to protect your children from Cyber-bullying: The Privalino App from the cave of the lion pixabay
Study uncovers why heart attack triggers arrhythmia in some, explores potential treatment
A team of researchers led by the University of California San Diego has identified a genetic pathway that causes some individuals to develop an abnormal heart rhythm, or arrhythmia, after experiencing a heart attack. They have also identified a drug candidate that can block this pathway. The team reported their findings in a study published […]
Why people born between 1966 and 1994 are at greater risk of measles – and what to do about it
Australia was declared free of measles in 2014. Yet this summer we’ve seen nine cases of measles in New South Wales, and others in Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland. High vaccination rates in Australia means the measles virus doesn’t continuously spread, but we still have “wildfire” outbreaks when travellers bring measles into the […]