Most of us will die in hospital in old age – but the final days need not be out of your hands. In a powerful new book, consultant in geriatrics DR DAVID JARRETT, who has witnessed 3,000 deaths, reveals how you can go gently into that good night Friday night in London’s West End and […]
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Ya te has vacunado contra covid. ¿Y ahora qué?
El esfuerzo de vacunación contra covid en este país ha sido un parto doloroso: problemas de registro, mala comunicación, datos incorrectos y un escaso suministro de vacunas; todo ello exacerbado por una asignación desigual, un supuesto favoritismo político y una indecorosa competencia por las vacunas. Aun sí, ya se han administrado 129 millones de dosis, […]
The End of Y Chromosome Is Near – Will Men Become Extinct?
While men are considered stronger than women, that is not true at the chromosomal level. The Y chromosome, which is responsible for determining whether an embryo develops into a male or a female, is becoming weaker and weaker as time passes. This means that, in about 4.6 million years, according to scientists, the Y chromosome […]
Disipando información errónea y mitos sobre las vacunas en la región agrícola de California
MECCA, Calif. — El polvo hace remolinos en el aire mientras Luz Gallegos estaciona su SUV a un lado de la calle de tierra. Acaba de enterarse que su tía murió a causa de covid-19, el tercer familiar en sucumbir al virus en solo dos semanas. Gallegos bajó de su auto a las 11:30 am, […]
Y chromosomes mysteriously DISAPPEAR in up to 44% of men by 70
Some Y chromosomes mysteriously DISAPPEAR in 44% of men by the time they reach 70 and it could increase their risk of cancer, study finds Researchers studied the genetics of more than 200,000 men in the UK Some had gene variations which made them more likely to lose Y chromosome And these same men appeared […]