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Callback for fish product: danger to health due to foreign body – natural healing naturopathic specialist portal

Health hazard: fish product is recalled because of contaminants

As the Federal office for consumer protection and food safety (BVL) reported, was started due to a possible health risk, a recall for “Neubauer’s Original Brunswick herring salad”. The fish product may contain metallic foreign body.

According to the BVL, the product “Neubauer’s Original Brunswick herring salad is” in the 200 g plastic Cup with the Los markings (MHD): 20049 (18. APR. 2020), 20050 (19. APR. 2020), 20051 (20. APR. 2020) and 20052 (21. APR. 2020) called back.

Metallic foreign bodies can become a health hazard

“It can not be completely excluded that metallic foreign bodies are present in the product. When accidental ingestion can be assumed that these foreign health bodies risk,” writes the BVL on its Portal “”.

The data indicate that the fish has been packaged product of the Agency for Regional delicatessen in Rötgesbüttel and distributed.

As a manufacturer the butcher is specified Neubauer oHG in Braunschweig. First of all, in the case of the product warning to the Brunswick herring salad was the Fleischer-service Braunschweig EC has been incorrectly called as a producer and distributor, the company reports. In the meantime, this message has been corrected.

Products not to eat

Unfortunately, it comes in the food production to impurities or foreign bodies such as glass, aluminum or plastic residues.

Foreign objects in food can cause the consumption of different, partially-threatening injuries and complaints.

Depending on the size, texture and Material of the swallowed portion may occur during Chewing, among other things, wounds in the mouth and throat. In addition, swallowed foreign body, depending on the size, can block the esophagus or the digestive organs.

If small parts remain in the body, they can trigger a sometimes inflammation. Internal injuries are also not ruled out.

Therefore, it is generally advised not to consume products that may contain foreign bodies. (ad)