Health News

Chickenpox: How to spot – alternative ways to treat as parents warn of ‘calamine shortage’

This Morning: Dr Sara discusses chickenpox

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Calamine lotion has a “soothing, cooling effect” on the skin, the NHS noted, which can help alleviate the discomfort felt from a chickenpox infection – especially for small children who are most likely to get the infection for the very first time. One Twitter user tweeted: “FYI, parents I would advise you stock up on calamine lotion wherever you can find it from now.” They added: “Apparently there’s a massive chickenpox outbreak and, at the manufacturer level, there is a shortage of Calamine lotion.

“We spent two days searching for some in various pharmacies/supermarkets.”

Another Twitter user wrote: “We now have chickenpox spreading like wildfire, and a shortage of calamine lotion.”

Another posted: “The amount of parents and grandparents that have asked me for Calamine lotion and chicken pox mouse [sic] stuff. The shortage is annoying.”


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