The spinal surgery is a serious surgical intervention that requires the highest skill of the surgeon and proper preparation of the patient.
It has to be well-planned and carried out according to the protocol, only then it gives a high chance of cure, pain disposing of, motor activity restoring, and the quality of human life improving. Due to its complexity and responsibility, surgical treatment is resorted to in the most severe cases – with the rapid progression of the disease, the presence of complications, or compression fracture.
The spinal surgery in Germany is recommended when the patient, in addition to pain, feels:
- Leg muscle fibrillation (a feeling of spontaneous contraction of individual leg muscle fibrils), when the muscles twitch spontaneously.
- Violation of the pelvic organs function (appearing the bladder sphincter problems with delayed urination and deformation or urinary incontinence, etc.).
- Numbness of the perineum.
- Spinal neurinoma (it’s a slowly growing benign tumor in the spine). It’s especially common in the upper and middle parts of the spine (cervical and thoracic). The peculiarity of the neurinoma is not the blastema itself, but its displacement and possible destruction of the surrounding tissue.
- Spinal stenosis. It means that the narrowing of the spinal canal leads to the intervertebral nerve clamping. The basic symptom of the disease is prolonged and gradually intensifying pain.
Why the spinal surgery is so popular in Germany?
- Surgical treatment is effective in 90% of cases.
- Such a procedure brings a release from pain.
- The restoration potential of cartilage and bone tissue is absolutely individual and specialists will find a way to accelerate the restoring process.
- It demonstrates the minimum complication rate.
- Soreness occurs after any surgical intervention. Analgesics and various procedures are able to manage with it within 10-14 days.
- The surgery leads to minimal tissue trauma.
How the surgery is performed?
This is a clearly planned and streamlined process. The path of surgical intervention is carried out according to a pre-compiled protocol under radiological and video control. Initially, the patient undergoes a diagnosis to identify contraindications. If not, the date of the surgery is assigned.
- A slight premedication is done before the intervention to relieve anxiety.
- Anesthesia is performed. The patient is monitored by an anesthetist.
- The surgeon gets access to the operation field. The size of the incision is 2 cm (due to the endoscopic method). When the decompression-stabilizing procedure is performed, the size of the incision is larger.
- A bone sections manipulation, nerve roots decompression, and pulp nucleus removal are processed.
- The final stage is stabilization, depending on the type of surgery.
- Conduct control diagnostics. If the goal of the operation is achieved, then a wound stitches up.
A hospital stay will take from 4 to 7 days, depending on the degree of complexity and vastness of the surgical intervention. The patient can get up on the first day after microsurgical or endoscopic removal of the hernia. In more complex cases getting up from the bed is possible only on the 2-3 day.