Rhubarb is a calcium robber? Issues – Myths – Half-Truths
The Rhubarb season has begun. Now, the consumption is worth it, because the vegetables, it will be considered that are often mistakenly used as a fruit, is particularly tender and tasty. Many believe, however, that rhubarb is a veritable calcium robber, and rather unhealthy. How much truth is in this statement? The Federal centre for nutrition (BZfE) gives information about.
The acid content of red meat eischigem and rotstieligem rhubarb is lower than in pure green rods. Therefore, red variants are less tart. Rhubarb provides only 13 calories per 100 grams. It contains Vitamin C, calcium, potassium, iron, Magnesium, and of the digestive dietary fiber pectin. But what is with the contained oxalic acid? It is harmless, if the vegetables are consumed in the usual amounts and properly prepared?
Oxalic acid binds in the rod included calcium
Rhubarb contains oxalic acid. This binds the rods contained calcium. Thus, the latter can not be absorbed in the body. The largest part of the oxalic acid found in the leaves, you should not eat. The stems, however, contain even larger quantities. Since rhubarb is a typical seasonal product and only in the spring comes to the table, is the high oxalic acid content according to the BZfE rather unproblematic. „The effect as a so-called calcium-robbers can so confidently werden“ neglected;, so the nutrition experts of the Federal centre. Further to the theme articles: rhubarb – recipes, health, and application (s) can be found in our specialist