Since podcasts for kids are still a niche area the content is carefully monitored and goes much beyond mere entertainment.
We have shortlisted a list of quirky and informative podcasts for the young future leaders that will increase their knowledge, inculcate and improve their listening skills and surely reduce that unbearable screen time. Since podcasts for kids are still a niche area the content is carefully monitored and goes much beyond mere entertainment. They are informative and are curated with unique ways of making learning interesting.
The Past and the Curious podcast
Started in 2016 the curators of this podcasts believes that history can be amazing, transformative and highly relevant. They have more than 30 funny and educational episodes to share stories of spies, funny foods and underrated yet inspiring people.
StoryNory podcast
With more than 600 free audio stories on their website, the StoryNory podcast is highly popular for their imaginative and original story content. These stories transport kids to a world of riveting historic reality and myths. Trained actors perform these stories with dramatic and enthralling enunciation. Apart from their original content, they have a rich collection of fairytales and stories of classical writers like Charles Dickens and Oscar Wilde. Take a look at their collection of rhymes and poems for a melodious break.
Also Read| 5 podcasts that make parenting a breeze
Kidnuz podcast
A new podcast just for kids? This one-of-a-kind podcast actually introduces children to current affairs of the world in a kid-friendly manner. No, they do not talk about crimes or any other hardline topic, but positive and inspirational news that are age-appropriate. Founded by Emmy winning journalists the goal is to inculcate a habit in your kids to understand and learn about things happening around them. This would also introduce critical analysis and inquisitiveness in them.
Kahani Suno podcast
Indian classical stories have taken a backseat in the minds of people today due to overflowing information from around the world. The Kahani Suno podcast celebrates great Indian literary writers like Munshi Premchand and Jaishankar Prasad. This is a great way to indulge your children in stories that you read growing up along with opening them to a social and cultural paradigm.
But Why: A podcast for curious kids
Kids are highly observant and curious about the most trivial things in their surroundings. In this unparalleled podcast, kids lead the episodes by asking questions about anything that tickles their fascination. Answers to such questions are then followed up on the podcasts. If your child wonders why the stars twinkle and why is the Earth round, this podcast is a perfect gift for their wonder.
Baalgatha Podcast
The Baalgatha podcast brings you stories or gaathas from all over India. Apart from English and Hindi, this podcast is available in four regional languages including Marathi, Gujarati, Kannada and Telugu. A rich collection of Indian classical, mythical as well as folk tales are available.
Five Minutes with Dad podcast
This unconventional podcast records the conversations of a dad with his daughter and son. They talk about everyday life, kindness, school, homework and any topic that is relevant in the lives of these kids. This podcast is a window to understand the daily interaction, coexistence and care between a dad and his kids.
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