Family members are being trained to administer drugs to end-of-life patients at home and in care homes in the UK, in case doctors or nurses are not available to give injections when needed. And new palliative care drugs are being considered for use during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to research carried out at the height […]
COVID-19: half of the Infected experienced changes in the sense of – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal
What indicates changes in the sense of taste? Almost half of the COVID-19-Diseased changes in sense of taste occur. This finding may provide a diagnostic indication of whether people COVID-suffer 19. In a study headed by researchers at the University of Toledo ends, it was found that changes in taste may indicate a sense on […]
Genome study links DNA changes to the risks of specific breast cancer subtypes
An analysis of genetic studies covering 266,000 women has revealed 32 new sites on the human genome where variations in DNA appear to alter the risks of getting breast cancer. The study lead and senior authors included researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The findings are thought to be the first to […]
Prenatal exposure to pollution linked to brain changes related to behavioral problems
Over the past few decades, various studies have investigated the impact of air pollution on cognitive capacities in children. However, very little research has been done on the changes that air pollution could induce in children’s growing brains. A new study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), a centre supported by “la […]
Study reveals how drug abstinence changes gene expression, making relapse more likely
A new preclinical study by University at Buffalo researchers reveals the genetic basis of relapse, one of the most detrimental but poorly understood behaviors related to addiction. Craig Werner, Ph.D., is first author on a paper published Oct. 9 in Science Advances that demonstrates how prolonged abstinence after cocaine use drives gene changes that promote […]
Researchers link aging with changes in brain networks related to cognition
Functional regions within the brain become less distinct and interconnected in the elderly over time, especially in those networks related to attention span and cognition. The finding, published by researchers at Duke-NUS Medical School in The Journal of Neuroscience, adds to current understanding of longitudinal decline in brain network integrity associated with aging. “We currently […]
A Series of Small Changes Helped This Guy Lose Nearly 100 Pounds
• Unhealthy eating and a sedentary lifestyle caused Palak Satia’s weight to peak at nearly 290 pounds. • He committed to walking two miles a day and restricted his daily intake to 1700 calories. • The result has been a dramatic, nearly 100-pound weight loss transformation. Palak Setia remembers the exact moment when he realized […]
Binge drinking changes your DNA, and that matters for treating addiction
Binge drinking can trigger genetic changes that make people crave alcohol even more, researchers from Rutgers University have found. It’s the latest in a growing body of evidence that alcohol and drug use causes genetic changes that may reinforce addiction and can be passed down to future generations. The study found that genes involved in […]
GARFIELD classifies disease-relevant changes in the genome
Researchers at the Wellcome Sanger Institute and EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) have developed a new approach to understand the functional effects of genetic variations associated with a disease, even if they aren’t located in a gene. Using this approach could help scientists uncover previously unknown mechanisms that control gene activity and determine whether cell […]
Discovery in cell development changes understanding of how genes shape early embryos
Our bodies hold roughly 14 trillion cells, each containing a nucleus with DNA measuring two meters long by 20 atoms wide. To fit inside each nucleus, DNA coils around specialized proteins. These spools of wrapped DNA inhibit gene regulatory proteins from binding to protein-coding stretches along the genome, which help keep genes in the “off” […]