Health News

Community health workers could help tackle NHS workload crisis

The growing workload crisis in NHS primary care could be helped by the systematic integration of community health workers at scale, a study shows. Published by the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, the modelling study was led by researchers at Imperial College London. Using a model introduced in Brazil’s Family Health Strategy, they […]

Health News

Could a compound found in red wine ward off knee pain?

Could a compound in red wine ward off knee pain? Millions of arthritis patients may enjoy relief by taking a super dose of the antioxidant Researchers found patients with painful knees given resveratrol had less pain They also had much lower levels of inflammation in their knees, they discovered Eight million people in the UK […]

Health News

Mercury in traditional Tibetan medicine could be harmful

(HealthDay)—The high mercury (Hg) concentration contained in traditional Tibetan medicine (TTM) could be harmful to humans and contribute to the environmental Hg burden in Tibet, according to a study published in the Aug. 7 issue of Environmental Science & Technology. Maodian Liu, Ph.D., from Peking University in China, and colleagues investigated elevated concentrations of total […]

Health Problems

Could the next anti-cancer drug be made from seafood?

Biomedical scientists at the University of Salford found that sugars from the common cockle (Cerastoderma edule) were approximately as effective as some standard chemotherapy drugs at relative lower dosage. And they say ‘cockle-chemo’ could be particularly suitable for children as it is potentially less toxic and less likely to cause unhealthy side-effects. Publishing in the […]

Health News

A new vaccine could wipe out acne

Acne vulgaris, or simply acne, is a skin condition that affects most, if not all, adolescents. It can sometimes persist into adulthood. Also, scarring from acne can last for a long time. Research has shown that persistent acne not only causes discomfort, but also psychological distress; people become self-aware about their appearance and worry how […]