Pharmaceutical companies making COVID vaccines are largely protected legally in the event of harmful side effects, like blood clots that have been linked to jabs from AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson. However while some governments will pay compensation due to sufferers, others assume it is the responsibility of the companies even after drugs agencies back […]
Swiss hit the gym and cafes as COVID measures ease
The Swiss hit the al fresco dining tables and were back pumping iron on Monday as the country reopened outdoor cafes and indoor gyms despite rising COVID case rates. At the Lausanne Weightlifting and Bodybuilding Club, 74-year-old Francois Jeanmonod was delighted to be back after months away due to the pandemic. He was at the […]
Calls Mount for Biden to Track US Health Care Worker Deaths from Covid
Calls are mounting for the Biden administration to set up a national tracking system of covid-19 deaths among front-line health care workers to honor the thousands of nurses, doctors and support staffers who have died and ensure that future generations are not forced to make the same ultimate — and, in many cases, needless — […]
As COVID rages, world risks losing TB gains
In the year since COVID-19 flipped the world on its head, diagnosis and treatment of another serious lung disease—tuberculosis—has plummeted, leaving experts fearful that progress in tackling that pandemic will be lost. Tuberculosis is treatable and easily diagnosed yet until COVID-19 emerged it was the world’s biggest infectious killer, leading to 1.4 million deaths each […]
Birx Joins Air-Cleaning Industry Amid Land Grab for Billions in Federal Covid Relief
The former top White House coronavirus adviser under President Donald Trump, Dr. Deborah Birx, has joined an air-cleaning company that built its business, in part, on technology that is now banned in California due to health hazards. The company is one of many in a footrace to capture some of the $193 billion in federal […]
Ya te has vacunado contra covid. ¿Y ahora qué?
El esfuerzo de vacunación contra covid en este país ha sido un parto doloroso: problemas de registro, mala comunicación, datos incorrectos y un escaso suministro de vacunas; todo ello exacerbado por una asignación desigual, un supuesto favoritismo político y una indecorosa competencia por las vacunas. Aun sí, ya se han administrado 129 millones de dosis, […]
'I'm struggling to hold on to hope': What it's like living with long Covid
What is long Covid? Symptoms of long Covid, according to the NHS: Joint pain Depression and anxiety Tinnitus, earaches Difficulty sleeping Heart palpitations Dizziness Pins and needles Feeling sick, stomach aches, diarrhoea, loss of appetite A high temperature, sore throat, headaches, cough, changes to sense of smell or taste Rashes Extreme tiredness Shortness of breath […]
Role Reversal: Covid Increases Ranks of Child Caregivers
LONG BEACH — On a recent Thursday afternoon, Rhianna Alvarado struggled to don her protective gloves, which were too big for her petite hands. With her mom coaching her every move, she edged close to her father and gently removed the plastic tube from his throat that allows him to breathe. She then cautiously inserted a new […]
MICHAEL MOSLEY: Why I went a bit wild after my Covid jab
Why I went a bit wild after my Covid jab: DR MICHAEL MOSLEY says he forgot the rules in his excitement… but whatever you do, don’t be put off by the vaccine myths – they’re not true One of the advantages of being over 60 is that I recently got a Covid jab (AstraZeneca, as […]
Meet the Retired Nurse Who Could Give Covid Shots But Couldn’t Get One
Martha Gallagher, a 75-year-old retired school nurse, wanted to volunteer for the Delaware Medical Reserve Corps to administer covid-19 vaccines. She knew Delaware might need more vaccinators and thought, “Why not do something to help get the vaccine out?” Plus, Gallagher figured, it would be a good way for her to get vaccinated, too. When […]