Health News

7 silent signs of a heart attack

More than 1 million Americans suffer a heart attack every year. Traditional symptoms—chest pain or pressure, cold sweat, extreme weakness—are well known. But there are more subtle signs you’re having or are about to have a heart attack that can be easy to miss. If you experience any of the following symptoms, see a doctor. […]

Health News

Antibiotics may also predispose to heart attacks?

Women should be careful in the use of antibiotics The use of antibiotics brings with it various health risks. Researchers have now found that women who take longer than two months antibiotics, are at an increased risk for the development of heart attack or stroke. In a recent study by Tulane University in New Orleans, […]

Health News

Unhealthy Burger: So dangerous Scheib Latvians cheese is actually

Increased phosphate intake increases the blood pressure of healthy adults Burgers are literally all the rage. While many people know that white flour Burger buns are more unhealthy and meat consumption should be moderate, since it can also be cancer-inducing substances are to sharp Sear is released, it is rather unknown that individually wrapped slices […]