Health News

Why you shouldn't hold your phone while running

If you’re someone who likes to clutch their phone while out for a jog, stop it. We understand it’s tempting to hold your phone when running. It’s a comfort blanket, and it feels easier to keep it in your hand to skip through all those poorly-chosen tracks on your workout playlist rather than having to […]

Health Problems

Supercharged natural killer cells may hold promise for cancer

A type of ‘supercharged’ immune cell could be mass-produced to help fight cancer. The researchers behind the early-stage finding, from Imperial College London, say the development could mark the next generation of cutting-edge immunotherapy treatments, called CAR-T therapies. These personalised treatments involve reprogramming immune cells to kill cancer. NHS England announced on Friday it would […]

Health Problems

Recovering from a heart attack? Hold the antibiotics

The community of microorganisms that live in the human gut has been shown to confer all kinds of health benefits. Now, an international team of researchers has shown in mice that a healthy gut microbiome is important for recovery after a heart attack. Writing today (Oct. 8, 2018) in the journal Circulation, a team led […]

Health Problems

Hamsters may hold the clue to beating obesity

The global obesity crisis shows no signs of abating, and we urgently need new ways to tackle it. Consuming fewer calories and burning more energy through physical activity is a proven way to lose weight, but it’s clearly easier said than done. The problem with eating less and moving more is that people feel hungry […]