When you think about ticks and the illnesses they can carry, you probably think of Lyme disease—for good reason. Lyme disease is certainly the most common and widespread tick-borne illness, and it’s been reported in all 50 states. But it’s not the only one: In recent years, scientists have been warning about another, less common […]
Prevent illness by preventing tick bites
Ready or not, ticks are out. Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne illness, but it’s not the only concern, says Dr. Bobbi Pritt, a parasitic diseases expert at Mayo Clinic. “There are other tick-borne diseases like anaplasmosis, babesiosis, Powassan virus and Borrelia miyamotoi infection, and those are just diseases transmitted by the black-legged tick, […]
Comparative study: The Hartz IV System makes many seriously ill
Hartz IV recipients are more likely to be sick Recipients of Hartz IV benefits are more likely to be ill, as the result of a study by the General local sickness funds (AOK) Rhineland/Hamburg. Accordingly, the social Status of statutory health insured is an important factor for the health of the Insured. But why is […]
Book provides a new framework for making sense of mental illness
Fear. Anxiety. Hope. Desire. Love. Anger. Guilt. Grief. These are the gamut of human emotions universal to our experiences. But why some people can become vulnerable to extreme bad feelings and other mental disorders remains a mystery that has affected and divided families, and cost lost years, or worse, lives, for millions of sufferers of […]
Poliolike illness tests an overstretched public health system
The mysterious, poliolike disease that has struck 414 people—mostly young children—across the United States since 2014 comes at a time when the public health system already is overstretched. Reported in 39 states and Washington, D.C., acute flaccid myelitis, known as AFM, causes muscle weakness and in some cases paralysis in the arms or legs, terrifying […]
'Polio-like' illness cases investigated by CDC: Should you be concerned?
Health officials monitoring spike in rare poliolike disease Acute flaccid myelitis has been diagnosed in at least six Minnesota children and health officials admit there are gaps in our understanding of the disease, including its causes and how to treat it. A mysterious neurological condition called acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) has made headlines in recent […]
Nine Cases of Polio-Like Illness Suspected in Children in Illinois
THURSDAY, Oct. 11, 2018 — Nine recent cases of a rare, polio-like disorder in children are being investigated in Illinois, health officials said yesterday. All the patients with the condition, called acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), are younger than 18 and from northern Illinois, according to the state’s Department of Public Health, CNN reported. Since 2015, […]
New DNA tool predicts height, shows promise for serious illness assessment
A new DNA tool created by Michigan State University can accurately predict people’s height, and more importantly, could potentially assess their risk for serious illnesses, such as heart disease and cancer. For the first time, the tool, or algorithm, builds predictors for human traits such as height, bone density and even the level of education […]
The man who has died NINE times
The man who has died NINE times: 29-year-old’s condition regularly makes his heart stop – and he once had FOUR cardiac arrests in just three weeks Jamie Poole, who lives in London, has had nine cardiac arrests in as many years He has a condition which means his heart muscle is thickened and less effective […]
Researcher links diplomats’ mystery illness to radiofrequency/microwave radiation
Writing in advance of the September 15 issue of Neural Computation, Beatrice Golomb, MD, Ph.D., professor of medicine at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, says publicly reported symptoms and experiences of a “mystery illness” afflicting American and Canadian diplomats in Cuba and China strongly match known effects of pulsed radiofrequency/microwave electromagnetic (RF/MW) […]