Bubonic plague may not seem like a significant problem in the world today. While it killed millions of people in Europe in the Middle Ages and was known as the “black death,” it mostly has faded from public concern. Microbiologists at the University of Louisville study Yersinia pestis, the bacteria that causes bubonic plague, however, […]
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Insights into the etiology of nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, NPC, is a rare tumor of the head and neck, which originates in the nasopharynx at the very back of the nose. NPC has a particularly high incidence in southern China, Southeast Asia, and North and East Africa and is rare in the rest of the world. Little is known about its etiology […]
New insights into actions of insulin and their potential impact in treating diabetes
Insulin is one of the most well known hormones in the human body for its role in regulating blood glucose. While its absence or inaction causes diabetes (Type-I and Type-II), it is also associated with several metabolic disorders such as obesity, hypertension, cancer and aging. Levels of insulin, produced by the pancreas, fluctuate between fasted […]
Insight into how often COVID-19 spreads through households
A new study published in the Clinical Infectious Diseases journal demonstrates how quickly COVID-19 can spread through a household, and provides insight into how and why communities of color have suffered disproportionately from the pandemic. The observational study, conducted between April and October of 2020, followed 100 COVID-positive patients around the Raleigh, NC area and […]
Remarkable new insights into the pathology of Usher syndrome
Human Usher syndrome (USH) is the most common form of hereditary deaf-blindness. Sufferers can be deaf from birth, suffer from balance disorders, and eventually lose their eyesight as the disease progresses. For some 25 years now, the research group led by Professor Uwe Wolfrum of the Institute of Molecular Physiology at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz […]
New insights into soft tissue injuries around the elbow joint
In his Ph.D. study, Toni Luokkala investigated the soft tissue injuries related to elbow collateral ligaments and distal biceps tendon tears. The elbow is the second most commonly dislocated joint after the glenohumeral joint. The extent of soft tissue injuries has an effect on the choice of treatment, rehabilitation and prognosis. Instability of the elbow […]
All the Reasons You Should Incorporate Turmeric Into Your Diet
Around every New Year, Google searches for turmeric tea spike. It is one of those elixirs whose benefits are numerous, wide and vaguely remembered, hence the Google searches. Turmeric has been used medicinally for centuries in India and surrounding countries. Naturopaths and dietitians have been recommending it for decades. “The benefits of turmeric go into […]
What You Need To Know Before Stepping Into An Infrared Sauna
Saunas are a go-to place for relaxation and recovery for many. Apart from stress relief, the small, heated room gives many more health benefits to its users. Some personal trainers even urge clients to use the sauna as it has positive effects on the body after a workout. Saunas have been around since the olden times, […]
New open-source platform accelerates research into the treatment of heart arrhythmias
An open-source platform, OpenEP co-developed by researchers from the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences at King’s College London has been made available to advance research on atrial fibrillation, a condition characterized by an irregular and often fast heartbeat. It can cause significant symptoms such as breathlessness, palpitations and fatigue, as well as being […]
New insight into antibody-induced protective immunity to COVID-19
While PCR testing has been used widely for COVID-19 diagnosis, it only provides information on who is currently infected. Antibody testing can tell who has been previously exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, a metric that is essential for tracking spread across a population. It may also, as a study recently published in […]