Health News

3D microscopy sheds light on the body’s immune response to obesity

Researchers who focus on fat know that some adipose tissue is more prone to inflammation-related comorbidities than others, but the reasons why are not well understood. Thanks to a new analytical technique, scientists are getting a clearer view of the microenvironments found within adipose tissue associated with obesity. This advance may illuminate why some adipose […]

Personal Health

Pham named Guy and Ella Mae Magness Professor of Medicine

Christine Pham, MD, director of the Division of Rheumatology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, has been named the inaugural Guy and Ella Mae Magness Professor of Medicine. Pham was chosen for the honor in recognition of her work involving nanomedicine approaches in the treatment of inflammatory diseases and the role of […]

Health Problems

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Procedures

Oral and maxillofacial pathology is a branch of dental science concerned with diseases, injuries, abnormalities and cancers of the mouth, jaws and face. Oro and maxillofacial (OMF) surgeries are procedures performed in the treatment of these disorders and diseases. The OMF speciality has been recognized by several organizations and professional associations including the American Dental […]

Health Problems

History of Sleep

Ancient Indian sages, Egyptians and Greeks, and Romans, have all described sleep in various ways, including naming the gods who brought dreams to sleepers. It was also well known that many people experienced sleep in two shifts, with an hour or three of intervening wakefulness, when one could have quiet time alone or visit one’s […]

Health News

Tumorsphere Formulation and Use in Cancer Stem Cell Research

Skip to: What are tumorspheres? Tumorsphere formation assay Technical notes on tumorsphere cultivation What are the types of cancer stem cell (CSC) tumorspheres? Tumorspheres for screening anti-CSC drugs What is the future of tumorspheres? What are tumorspheres? Numerous studies have pointed out that cancer stem cells (CSCs) play an important role in cancer progression, metastasis, […]

Health Problems

Can Deep Learning Predict Coma Outcome?

Patients in a coma are described as being in a state of unconsciousness from which they cannot be woken and are unresponsive. Typical causes of coma include stroke, seizures, severe head injury, infection of the brain such as encephalitis, or alcohol poisoning. Those with diabetes pose an additional risk of falling into a coma if […]

Health Problems

Taking Anabolic Steroids After a Sport Injury

Skip to: Sports Injuries What are Anabolic Steroids? How Effective are Anabolic Steroid Treatments in Healthcare Settings? Can Anabolic Steroids Treat Sports Injuries? Anabolic steroids can have many health benefits, including increasing pain tolerance, as well as strengthening and building muscle. Because of this, steroids have the potential to be used for treating various illnesses, […]