Health Problems

A new approach to peripheral nerve injury? Natural killer cells in the immune system could present a target

In animal models of a totally crushed peripheral nerve, the damaged axons are broken down, allowing healthy ones to regrow. But humans rarely suffer complete axonal damage. Instead, axons tend to be partially damaged, causing neuropathic pain—a difficult-to-treat, chronic pain associated with nerve trauma, chemotherapy and diabetes. A new study in Cell, led by Michael […]

Health News

MS nerve pain: Remedies for legs, feet, arms, and back

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, often disabling condition that affects the central nervous system. There, it interrupts the flow of neurological signals between the brain and the body. Pain is a very common symptom of MS. In fact, one study revealed that nearly 67 percent of survey respondents with MS experienced pain. This article […]