Health Problems

Study details effect of radiation exposure on hormone deficiencies

In a new study, University of Cincinnati (UC) researchers, in collaboration with Massachusetts General Hospital, have detailed the effect of radiation exposure on the development of hormone deficiency in pediatric and young adult patients treated for brain tumors. These results, published in the Aug. 17, 2018 online edition of the Journal of Clinical Oncology, provide […]

Personal Health

New algorithm could improve diagnosis of rare diseases

Today, diagnosing rare genetic diseases requires a slow process of educated guesswork. Gill Bejerano, Ph.D., associate professor of developmental biology and of computer science at Stanford, is working to speed it up. In a paper published July 12 in Genetics in Medicine, Bejerano and his colleagues describe an algorithm they’ve developed that automates the most […]

Health News

New Drug of Last Resort Tackles Resistant HIV

THURSDAY, Aug. 16, 2018 — HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is typically a manageable infection, but medications that keep the virus at bay don’t work for everyone. Now, researchers have developed a new medication to help them. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the drug — ibalizumab (Trogarzo) — in March. Phase 3 […]

Health News

Tongue microbiome research underscores importance of dental health

Elderly individuals with fewer teeth, poor dental hygiene, and more cavities constantly ingest more dysbiotic microbiota, which could be harmful to their respiratory health, according to new research published in the journal mSphere. The findings come from a large, population-based study that identified variations in the tongue microbiota among community-dwelling elderly adults in Japan. “Fewer […]