Health News

Study reveals how fasting can improve overall health and protect against aging-associated diseases

In a University of California, Irvine-led study, researchers found evidence that fasting affects circadian clocks in the liver and skeletal muscle, causing them to rewire their metabolism, which can ultimately lead to improved health and protection against aging-associated diseases. The study was published recently in Cell Reports. The circadian clock operates within the body and […]

Health News

7 ways to protect your mental well-being over the holidays

I know it seems hard to believe, but we are, once again, fast approaching the holiday season. Although millions of people across the United States and beyond are looking forward to the festivities, it can sometimes leave people feeling jaded and exhausted. There are gifts to buy, family to visit, meals to cook, and events […]

Health News

Osteoporosis: Could probiotics protect bone health?

Bones do not just grow once and then stay the same for life. Instead, bone is made up of living tissue that is constantly being broken and remodeled into new bone. This process is more efficient when we are young. By around age 30, the body stops increasing bone mass, and once we reach our […]

Health News

Does Dyslexia Gene Protect Against Concussions?

FRIDAY, Oct. 26, 2018 — Athletes may be less likely to suffer concussions if they carry a gene linked to the learning disorder dyslexia, a new study suggests. Researchers looked at the concussion history of 87 football players at Penn State University. They also checked the players for certain genes. The findings suggest that “genotype […]