Pet Care

How a Quick Pivot Saved a Pet’s Life

Twelve-year-old Nicole B. was walking her six-month-old pug, Sky, in her South Los Angeles neighborhood when Sky was suddenly attacked by another dog. “He came out of nowhere,” says Nicole, describing the attack that occurred last November. “I jumped and accidentally let go of Sky’s leash, and they kept fighting.” When the other dog finally […]

Health Problems

Quick thinking? It’s all down to timing

Remember hearing people being called slow learners by teachers and parents? That oft-used description of someone who takes a wee bit longer to process information, now has a scientific basis for its existence. Scientists from the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine have found that the rapidity with which a person is able to […]

Health News

Four Quick Hair Fixes For Your Workout Woes

Solve your workout hair woes Celebrity fitness blogger, Laura Dundovic knows how to maintain healthy shiny hair despite regular workouts in the outdoor elements “When my hair is healthy, it gives me a boost of confidence in everything I do,” says Dundovic, adding that “when my whole body feels good- my skin, my complexion, my […]