Damaged peripheral nerves can regenerate after an injury, for example, following a forearm fracture. Axons, the long projections of neurons that transmit stimuli or signals to other cells, are affected in the case of injury and need to regrow to recover their function. The research team led by Prof. Claire Jacob at Johannes Gutenberg University […]
AI model takes us closer to personalised cancer treatments
The ‘holy grail’ of cancer treatment: Scientists take a huge step towards personalised therapies after developing an AI model that predicts how tumours will respond to drugs Could help doctors identify the best treatment and drug dose for each patient The model may be available on the NHS in as little as 10 years time […]
Polio is not going away without a fight – it’s vital we step up our defences
The global initiative to eradicate polio has been extraordinarily successful. Over the last thirty years the number of polio cases across the world have dwindled from over 350,000 cases a year to just 20. The terrible toll on victims, such as lifelong paralysis and disability, are a fading memory for many countries, and it’s estimated […]
One step closer to finding a cure for brain diseases
A research team led by Professor Jaewon Ko and Ji Won Um from Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences identified a new principle of formation of brain synapses through synaptic binding protein complexes. Many nerve cells that make up the brain control the function of the brain through synapses. Although recent studies show that synaptic […]