Cutting-edge DNA sequencing technology has been used by QUT researchers at the new Australian Translational Genomics Centre (ATGC) to identify genetic mutations in 100 patients with blood cancers, with this testing providing clinically important information to doctors about prognosis and likely treatment responses for the majority of patients. Launched in July last year, the ATGC […]
Genetic Testing for Cancer Lacking for Women on Medicare: Study
FRIDAY, Aug. 17, 2018 — Testing for gene mutations linked to breast and ovarian cancer is rare among some Medicare patients who have the cancers and qualify for such tests, a new study finds. Researchers analyzed data from 12 southeastern states between 2000 and 2014. Only 8 percent of 92 women who met Medicare criteria […]
Study Urges Genetic Testing of Relatives of Aortic Disease Patients
TUESDAY, Aug. 7, 2018 — Many lives could be saved if relatives of patients with aortic diseases underwent routine screening and genetic testing, a new study suggests. Aneurysms, tears in the lining called dissections and other types of thoracic aortic disease (TAD) are often undetected until they become life-threatening emergencies. At that point, the risk […]