Health News

The Truth About Air Filters and COVID Prevention

Long before COVID-19 had us all spending a lot more time inside our home and worrying about airborne everything, the quality of the air indoors was making people sick. Air pollution can come from pretty much anything—candles, grooming products, burning firewood, printers, and even your cooking. These pollutants intermingle with those that enter through drafty […]

Health News

COVID Can Harm the Infant Heart

THURSDAY, Dec. 3, 2020 – An infant diagnosed with COVID-19 showed signs of reversible heart injury and heart failure, according to a new case report. Researchers found the 2-month-old baby experienced heart issues similar to those seen in adults. The infant later recovered and was released with no heart medications. The report was published Dec. […]

Health News

Stable connections between nerve cells are the basis of memory

Memories are part of our lives, the good and the bad. Through our senses, experiences reach our brain where networks of nerve cells encode them into a memory. It was previously unclear why only certain nerve cells join together for this purpose. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich have now discovered […]

Health News

Major differences in palliative care provision across the globe

A major review of palliative care services around the world has highlighted huge inconsistencies in provision, with patients in some countries receiving a fraction of the support provided elsewhere. More than 11 million cases have been reviewed at the University of Leeds’ Academic Unit of Palliative Care, which found length of care for people with […]