Health Problems

A new approach to peripheral nerve injury? Natural killer cells in the immune system could present a target

In animal models of a totally crushed peripheral nerve, the damaged axons are broken down, allowing healthy ones to regrow. But humans rarely suffer complete axonal damage. Instead, axons tend to be partially damaged, causing neuropathic pain—a difficult-to-treat, chronic pain associated with nerve trauma, chemotherapy and diabetes. A new study in Cell, led by Michael […]

Kids Health

The Scary Truth About Your Toddler & TV

It’s a truth universally acknowledged: Kids love cartoons. Whether they’re watching a movie or dancing along to toddler tunes, it’s pretty much always a hit. But a new study just revealed all that screen time could be detrimental to your child’s health. Too much can actually cause developmental delays. The study, conducted by psychologists at […]

Personal Health

GARFIELD classifies disease-relevant changes in the genome

Researchers at the Wellcome Sanger Institute and EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) have developed a new approach to understand the functional effects of genetic variations associated with a disease, even if they aren’t located in a gene. Using this approach could help scientists uncover previously unknown mechanisms that control gene activity and determine whether cell […]

Health Problems

New strategy expands the benefits of Internet-delivered CBT

Scientists at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have experimented with a new adaptive treatment strategy for Internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy (ICBT) that identifies patients within the first month who face a major risk of treatment failure. Published in the scientific journal American Journal of Psychiatry, the results also suggest that such patients may nevertheless benefit if […]

Health Problems

Design thinking can change the treatment of young people with psychological problems

Behavioural scientists are increasingly designing games that can be used preventatively or as therapy for young people with emerging or chronic psychological problems, such as anxiety or depression. Nevertheless, the development and validation of these games is still in its infancy. According to behavioural scientists Hanneke Scholten and Isabela Granic of Radboud University, a form […]