What is Powassan disease? A rare and life-threatening tick-borne virus is worrying doctors. What is Powassan disease and how can you keep yourself safe? Maine confirmed the first case of Powassan virus this year in a midcoastal resident who was hospitalized due to the illness. According to a health advisory, the resident, whose age and […]
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This Tick-borne Illness Can Cause Fatal Swelling of the Brain—and Can Be Transmitted in Just 15 Minutes
When you think about ticks and the illnesses they can carry, you probably think of Lyme disease—for good reason. Lyme disease is certainly the most common and widespread tick-borne illness, and it’s been reported in all 50 states. But it’s not the only one: In recent years, scientists have been warning about another, less common […]
Study of tick-borne disease dynamics could thwart future outbreaks
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report earlier this year on the increase of tick-, flea- and mosquito-borne illnesses in the United States, but don’t panic. Kurt Vandegrift, assistant research professor of biology at Penn State, works on emerging infectious diseases, and his lab studies ticks. Vandegrift’s lab is part of a National […]