Personal Health

This Couple Gave Each Other the Perfect V-Day Gifts: A Thicker Penis and a Tighter Vagina

There’s the classic Valentine’s Day gift, like a bouquet of flowers or a heart-shaped box of chocolates. Then there’s what this New York couple bought for each other: new, improved genitals.

“What would you prefer—flowers and candy, or a bigger penis and a tighter vagina?” asks Jessica*, one-half of the aforementioned couple.

Last month, she and her partner Malik, both 27, visited New York City-based plastic surgeon Dr. Norman Rowe to for a his and her genital upgrade of sorts. Think of it as the cosmetic enhancement version of a couple’s massage. Jessica received the ThermiVA, a procedure that uses radio frequency to stimulate collagen. The claim is that this helps tighten vaginal tissue. Dermal fillers were injected into Mailk’s penis for extra girth.

Jessica motivated their decision to make over their privates in time for Valentine’s Day. “I think I just told him, ‘Listen, this is your Valentine’s Day gift. We’re doing this,” she says.

The announcement wasn’t a total surprise–foisting a penis enlargement onto your partner likely takes a little more finesse than that. Over the years, Malik frequently wished for a thicker penis and even tried maca root, marketed as a natural penis enlargement.

Unsurprisingly, that didn’t work. So for the past year, Jessica occasionally searched online for solutions. She admits to taking on the homework in part because she also wished Malik were a bit bigger.

“Half of it was for me, and the other half I had him in mind as well,” she says.

Nothing seemed promising until she stumbled on Rowe’s site, where he calls himself Dr. Penis, and a story on his practice in The New York Times.

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Are you dissatisfied with the size of your penis? I offer an exclusive non-surgical penile enhancement procedure. The procedure is completely painless, and can be performed in approximately 10 minutes. Head to our stories to watch the FULL procedure and comment with any questions. . . . #roweplasticsurgery #rps #tight #eastcoastps #drrowe #rowe #normanrowe #plasticsurgeon #bestplasticsurgeon #beauty #summer #summertime #health #newyork #nyc #newjersey #hamptons #penisaugmentation #penileenhancement

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“When she came to me saying she had found Dr. Penis, I was like, ‘Oh God,'” Malik says. “I just went along with it just to see what the results would be.”

Jessica opted for a vaginal rejuvenation to support Malik. Prior to visiting Rowe’s site, she didn’t realize vaginal tightening was even practiced.

“I figured if he was doing something to his genitalia I may as well do something to mine,” she says.

Ostensibly, gifting your partner a bigger penis seems downright unromantic, and even a little insulting, but Jessica believes it’s the perfect present.

“It’s the holiday of love and what better way to say ‘I love you’ than to make your partner’s genitalia better?” she says.

She’s not alone. Rowe sees a 50 to 60 percent increase in both males and females coming in for genital enhancements starting in January.

He estimates roughly six couples come in to get the procedures every week during this time of year. “That’s probably going to carry through [until] about February.”

It may seem, well, scary to mess with your nether regions, but the process for upgrading your privates is simpler than you think. The couple shows up for the consultation, discuss concerns, and talk through expectations. If they’re ready, Rowe can perform the procedures in the same day.

According to Rowe, patients first have to determine how long they want the newfound girth to last: one, two, or four years.

Guys almost always go for the longest option. “They want to get through this and not have to come back,” Rowe says.

After that, Rowe selects the exact fillers because there are different requirements for each portion of the penis. Then he applies local anesthesia before injecting the fillers. Guys can go about their day-to-day routines, but have to wait two long weeks without sex or masturbation. This ensures the filler sets correctly and doesn’t move out of place.

“I had patients come back with the filler around the base of their penis like a donut,” Rowe says.

Penis Enlargement

As with any cosmetic enhancement, a thicker penis doesn’t come without risks: scarring, bleeding, swelling, or infection are just a few downsides to using fillers, says urologist Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt of Orlando Health in Florida.

“But in this case you’re risking the livelihood of your penis,” he says.

Rowe estimates the average treatment can add about 1.75 centimeters to a guy’s width, but Brahmbhatt believes the extra dimension serves more of an aesthetic than practical purpose.

“The added girth is only really visible when the penis is flaccid; when it is erect there is likely not a visible difference,” he says. “So does it really matter what it looks like when it’s flaccid?”

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But for Jessica and Malik, the procedures, which begin at about $600 per session in Rowe’s office, were worth the price tag. The two say their sex lives have been transformed in the weeks following their visit.

“It’s just hot now,” Malik says of the difference in the bedroom.

“It’s definitely more satisfying,” echoes Jessica. “It’s like going from a pencil to a cucumber.”

Patients overwhelmingly thank Rowe for improving their sex lives, which is the main reason most opt for genital enhancements in the first place, he says.

Jessica and Malik realize their gift is a little unconventional, but say that shouldn’t turn off other couples who are intrigued by genital enhancements.

“It’s your body. Your rules. I don’t think there’s anything to be ashamed of,” Jessica says. However, it’s worth noting the source specifically requested to change her name for this story, which indicates she’s not as comfortable as she asserts.

And as Rowe says, it’s 2019. There’s no need to regard your genitals with more embarrassment than any other body part.

“If you can make someone’s breast bigger [and] face tighter, why can’t you make their vagina tighter and their penis bigger?” he says. “Why not?”

*Name has been changed at the source’s request.

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