Health Problems

The Best and Worst Foods for Your Vagina

You know the best foods to eat for other parts of your body: You consume lean protein when you need steady energy, good fats for healthy hair, skin, and nails, and whole grains to fill you up and keep your system running smooth.  But what foods are best for keeping your vagina in top shape? Believe it or not, […]

Health Problems

Why You Should Never Put Jade Eggs in Your Vagina

First, Gwyneth Paltrow raved about vagina steaming; then her lifestyle website, Goop, wanted you to stick a $66 rock up your hoo-ha. Now, Goop has settled a lawsuit over the unscientific health claims made to sell those rocks. A little background: In 2017, Goop posted a story called “Better Sex: Jade Eggs for Your Yoni,” which […]

Health Problems

A step closer to cancer precision medicine

Researchers from the Faculty of Medicine and the Institute for Molecular Medicine (FIMM) at the University of Helsinki have developed a computational model, Combined Essentiality Scoring (CES) that enables accurate identification of essential genes in cancer cells for development of anti-cancer drugs. Why are the essential genes important in cancer? Cancer is the leading cause […]

Health Problems

‘Superbugs’ on the rise, new CDC report says

Six years after a federal government warning that lifesaving antibiotics were losing their punch, a new update Wednesday revealed that the problem of antibiotic-resistant infections is, by some measures, getting worse. More than 2.8 million people become infected with drug-resistant bacteria and fungi each year, and at least 35,900 die as a result, the U.S. […]