In everyday life, many toxins get into our body through air, cigarette smoke or our food. On their way through the body of the harmful substances pass through the urinary tract, through which they are finally excreted. There they can cause cancer.
Many do have pain in the water as harmless bubbles of inflammation. In most cases, nothing worse behind it, nevertheless it can be a sign of bladder cancer. A Tumor in the urinary bladder remains unnoticed for a long time, since the least interpret the signals of the body properly, warns FOCUS-Online expert Martin Schuler. He identifies key signs that should make you suspicious.
- Pain when urinating
- Blood in the urine
- reddish or brownish discoloration of the urine
Because the urine is discolored only in the case of larger quantities of Blood visible, usually brings a test strip clarity.
Bladder cancer treat
Doctors often come across in the course of a routine investigation of a possible disease, or if you check a patient to other diseases, such as Diabetes or high blood pressure. In the case of suspicion, a urologist can perform a cystoscopy. Suspicious, he takes samples if necessary tissue.
In an early stage of the Tumor with a minimally invasive procedure to remove. He has already grown into the bladder wall, you must remove the doctor, and the urinary bladder. In the case, he either forms a new bladder from a piece of bowel, or creates an artificial outlet for the urine. Patients must then wear for a lifetime a urine bag.
Bladder cancer in men and women
Significantly more men than women develop bladder cancer: about 11,000 per year, compared to 4000 new cases in women. However, the disease in women ends more often fatal. 65 percent of all patients die of the disease, but only 36 percent of the male patients.
Causes of bladder cancer
The cancer information service, German cancer research center announced a possible trigger for the disease:
- Nicotine: know the experts, that Smoking causing cancer of the bladder favors. About half of all diseases can be traced back to the fact. Tobacco smoke contains aromatic amines. The chemicals are considered carcinogenic. Because they are not excreted via the kidney, in the bladder.
- Infections: a Patient has a chronic bladder infection, damage to the bladder mucosa or bladder stones are not treated, you can take the development of bladder cancer favor.
- Inheritance: Is a parent of bladder cancer, including the children at an increased risk. However, it is still unknown which genetic factors play a role.
- Nutrition: What is the influence of our diet, scientists are still not sufficiently clear. However, they found evidence that a low-fat diet could work with enough fruit as a preventive measure.
- Medications: May also damage certain medications the bladder. The Diabetes drug pioglitazone is now regarded as “probably carcinogenic”, although he is still on the market. Also cytotoxic drugs used in chemotherapy, can damage the bladder. Doctors must weigh the risk and Benefits.
- Irradiation: cancer of the bladder as a result of radiation therapy. So Doctors, for example, in patients with a uterine tumor at an increased risk for bladder cancer.
About the connection between hair dyes and the risk for bladder cancer science is fighting. A study by the University of Southern California in Los Angeles came in the year 2000 to be the result of: women, the hair color on a monthly basis, have become ill after twelve months of a twice as high risk of bladder cancer, compared with women who use no dyes.
15 years later, the risk rose to three times. It was permanent dyes with Arylamines. Italian researchers were not able to confirm this connection 2014. They had analyzed in a Meta-study of 17 studies.
Today’s safety regulations largely prevent people in the workplace with toxic, carcinogenic substances to come in contact with. From the first contact up to the emergence of bladder cancer, however, up to forty years can pass.