An expert from the Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) in Berlin has turned out on Tuesday in the public debate about a possible measles vaccination in German daycare centers and schools. In contrast to the Minister of health, Jens Spahn, Minister for the family, Franziska Giffey, SPD-health expert Karl Lauterbach and some of the other politicians, Ole Wichmann doubts that mandatory vaccination may close the existing gaps. The fear of the chief of the Impfprävention at the RKI: especially teenagers and young adults who have not been vaccinated yet, do not continue to be achieved.
Mandatory vaccination for school entrance, passes by the target
“Before we resort to an Instrument such as the vaccination, we should consider what we can achieve,” said Wichmann in the Bavarian broadcasting. The existing school entrance examinations, the Coverage spent nationwide is already at 97 percent with the first dose at the second there were still 92 by RKI target of 95 percent, according to Wichmann. A mandatory vaccination for school entrance passes here seems to be the goal.
Vaccination Debate
Measles in Germany: What you need to know currently
The gaps exist especially in adolescents and young adults, so the medical doctor. There, the rate is according to the RKI only at 70 percent, 25 percentage points below the target value. And it is precisely here Wichmann looks to be the real Problem. “Before we can introduce a vaccination, we should optimize other things,” he urges. Specifically, Wichmann speaks of the so-called J1-examination, a health check-up for twelve – to 14-Year-old. Flying far under the Radar, many students and young people are aware of this offer. “Would you inform young people active, you could achieve much more,” says Wichmann.
And something Wichmann concern on the part of heated debate around the introduction of a nationwide measles vaccination. Experimental studies at the RKI have shown that people who are committed to a specific vaccine, be lulled into the Belief that other vaccinations are less important. “We fear, therefore, that the odds go in the other important vaccinations down,” explains Wichmann.
Source: “Bayerischer Rundfunk”