Pet Care

These Extra Special Pups Want You to Celebrate Dogtober!

October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, otherwise known as Dogtober, and this year we want to shine a bright light on some of our extra special pups! Due to their differences and quirks, pups like these are, sadly, often overlooked in the shelters. But it’s important to know that these dogs are just as adorable and loving, they may just have different needs. These dogs, like large breeds or seniors, make great pets—just like any other shelter dog— it all just depends on who you find! 

Take a look at some of our canine friends who found adopters with open minds and open hearts, who fell in love with them for exactly who they are.


In December 2019, Zola was brought to the ASPCA with a severe injury to her back leg, consistent with blunt force trauma. Unfortunately, her injury required amputation, but that didn’t stop her one bit! Zola was put into foster during recovery where she soon became a foster fortune. Zola now lives a very happy life where she goes on plenty of walks, gets lots of snuggles and loves hanging with her furry siblings!


Marbles, a 10-year-old hound-mix waited patiently at the ASPCA Adoption Center for the right adopter to come along. As a large senior dog, Marbles was at a disadvantage when compared to his younger canine counterparts. That is, until Maria and her husband spotted him. Maria and her husband recognized that as a senior, Marbles was a quiet dog with a lower energy level, perfect for their NYC apartment. It also didn’t matter how much time they got to spend with Marbles, as long as they could give him a loving home for whatever time they do have!


Shy, two-year-old hairless terrier-mix, Athena came to the Adoption Center being fearful outside, would become overly excited and treat human hands like toys during playtime and disliked having her harness and/or clothing put on her for a walk. She also didn’t like having her head, ears or feet touched and needed to live outside of NYC. Having been adopted and returned twice, through no fault of her own, Athena was looking for an adopter who would love her for her. That’s when Kristina saw a photo of her and knew Athena would be hers! Now, Athena, in her loving home, sits idly by while putting her clothing and harness on and is even helping Kristina’s daughter with her anxiety.


Like many of the animals we care for, Rupert didn’t have the easiest life before we met him. Unfortunately, due to some behavioral issues, including separation anxiety, Rupert became harder to place than some of the other animals at the Adoption Center. He ended up spending four months looking for the right adopter. While waiting, Rupert lived with a wonderful foster caregiver, Yasmine, who would soon change his life by adopting him as her own. Yasmine had previously adopted a cat, Kibbeh, from the ASPCA, so Rupert and Kibbeh are becoming more and more comfortable with one another. Rupert is also known around town for always going on walks with his toy car!


Five-month-old Cindy would cower in a corner, even with toys, treats and more, she was so afraid. Her fear was debilitating, and her quality of life was non-existent, so the ASPCA went to work to help young Cindy with her severe anxieties. Originally brought to the Adoption Center, Cindy was too fearful of people, so she was transferred to the ASPCA Behavioral Rehabilitation Center in North Carolina where she would receive the critical rehabilitation she needed. Months later, Cindy graduated the program as a whole new pup and was soon adopted by Karen. Now, Cindy even plays with Karen’s granddaughters and romps around with her canine sister. 

Princess Blueberry Hippo

Princess Blueberry Hippo, the three-year-old English Bulldog-mix, was found as a stray after Hurricane Laura made landfall in Lake Charles, Louisiana. She was in distress from heat exhaustion, had intestinal parasites, hair loss, poor skin, mange, flea infestation, excessive debris in both ears and inflammation in the tear glands of both eyes. With a slew of health problems, Princess Blueberry Hippo had a long road ahead of her. But after a multitude of medications and a whole lot of TLC, Princess Blueberry Hippo’s conditions improved, and she was brought to a foster home where she soon was adopted by her foster family. 

You could help change the lives of dogs like these this month by adopting or fostering an animal in need. 

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