Health Problems

A new method to show neural representations

Researchers from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid report a new method for graphic representation of neurons that visualizes the data developed by neuroscientists. A team of researchers from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) and the Cajal Institute (IC) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) has published the results in Frontiers […]

Health News

It can take a village to feed hungry kids in schools

One in 6 American children faces hunger and 3 out of 4 teachers report regularly seeing hungry kids in their classrooms. In response, school meals make up a large fraction of federal food assistance. The National School Lunch Program is the second-largest federal food assistance program, serving 30.4 million children. It is complemented by the […]

Personal Health

Poverty leaves a mark on our genes

A new Northwestern University study challenges prevailing understandings of genes as immutable features of biology that are fixed at conception. Previous research has shown that socioeconomic status (SES) is a powerful determinant of human health and disease, and social inequality is a ubiquitous stressor for human populations globally. Lower educational attainment and/or income predict increased […]

Health Problems

Trips to the toilet at night are a sign of high blood pressure

Trips to the toilet at night are a sign of high blood pressure, according to results from the Watari study presented today at the 83rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society (JCS 2019). “Our study indicates that if you need to urinate in the night—called nocturia—you may have elevated blood pressure and/or excess […]

Health Problems

Mozambique cholera cases jump to 139 a day after outbreak

Officials in Mozambique say the number of cholera cases among survivors of a devastating cyclone has jumped to 139. The Portuguese news agency Lusa cites national health official Ussein Isse in a report late Thursday. The cholera outbreak had been declared a day earlier with just five confirmed cases. Cholera is a major concern for […]