There’s nothing worse than a lingering cough. But sometimes, they can hold on forever. The tricky part about a cough is that it can be a symptom of a variety of conditions — especially when it sticks around. So, how do you know what’s a harmless cold or something more serious? We spoke to a […]
Prisons and asylums prove architecture can build up or break down a person’s mental health
Anyone who has witnessed conditions in the UK’s prisons – whether on television or in person – could not fail to be alarmed by the violence, despair and mental distress experienced by staff and prisoners. In the current chaos of the prison environment, caused in part by staff recruitment and retention problems, growing numbers of […]
2 2 4 formula and the belly is in twelve weeks – a guide
In a few weeks, five inches of waist circumference to lose. This not only sounds fantastic – it is thanks to a simple Fitness formula even possible. Sports scientist Dr. Dr. Michael Despeghel has set the foundations for a successful abdominal workout. Here are the three rules: 1. Endurance training improves fat metabolism. 2. Strength […]
A half-million fewer deaths from lung cancer over 40 years
Lung cancer death rates in men have plummeted since 1979 with nearly 500,000 fewer deaths than would have been expected if the mortality rate had stayed the same, according to the latest figures released by Cancer Research U.K. ahead of World Cancer Day. In the last 40 years lung cancer death rates in men have […]
How chronic pain threatens a good night’s sleep
Ask anyone who is in pain how their much-needed sleep was, and there’s a good chance they will say it was not great. And, it appears they may not be too far off as chronic pain and poor sleep can become a vicious cycle, according to new research from the University of California, Berkeley, and […]
A new approach to peripheral nerve injury? Natural killer cells in the immune system could present a target
In animal models of a totally crushed peripheral nerve, the damaged axons are broken down, allowing healthy ones to regrow. But humans rarely suffer complete axonal damage. Instead, axons tend to be partially damaged, causing neuropathic pain—a difficult-to-treat, chronic pain associated with nerve trauma, chemotherapy and diabetes. A new study in Cell, led by Michael […]
Scientists first to pinpoint a cause of pigmentary glaucoma
An international team of researchers has identified a gene responsible for the onset of pigmentary glaucoma, which may lead to new therapies for the condition. “People who traditionally we wouldn’t think of having glaucoma—young males in their 20s and 30s—are at particular risk for this form of the disease and of losing their vision,” said […]
Dermatologists explain Why it is enough to take a shower twice a week – Video
Anyone who pays attention to a good body hygiene, is usually daily in the shower. Experts claim, however, is that you have to. On the contrary, Daily showers can even be harmful. ©glomex From our network of CHIP: how to protect your children from Cyber-bullying: The Privalino App from the cave of the lion pixabay
Eat, time of day, weather: these are the most risky moments of a heart attack – Video
Each year, over 280,000 women and men in Germany have a heart attack, and 60,000 of them survive him. The fatal heart attack in certain moments very often. Cardiologists have noted it time and again: An overloaded or already damaged heart to certain times of Day, weather conditions and life situations, especially to quickly. 1. […]
Leg brace with a kickstand could alleviate discomfort for those healing from leg injuries
A comforting innovation for those suffering from a lower-body injury is moving to the market all because one Purdue student wanted to alleviate his mother’s discomfort as she recovered from a leg injury. Purdue University students have developed an accessory for full leg casts and braces that elevates the injured limb slightly to provide joint […]