Health Problems

Beef jerky and other processed meats associated with manic episodes

An analysis of more than 1,000 people with and without psychiatric disorders has shown that nitrates—chemicals used to cure meats such as beef jerky, salami, hot dogs and other processed meat snacks—may contribute to mania, an abnormal mood state. Mania is characterized by hyperactivity, euphoria and insomnia. The findings of the Johns Hopkins Medicine study, […]

Health News

Allergic reaction in baby: Treatment and pictures

Babies have sensitive skin, which makes them more likely than adults to develop a rash. Even a slight irritation to a baby’s skin may be enough to trigger a rash. Identifying the cause of the allergic reaction or sensitivity can help parents and caregivers to prevent and treat any future reactions. Types Babies can have […]

Health News

Self-control and obesity: Gender matters in children

A toddler’s self-regulation—the ability to change behavior in different social situations—may predict whether he or she will be obese come kindergarten, but the connection appears to be much different for girls than for boys. Self-regulation is something all children must develop, and poorer self-control in childhood is associated with worse adult health, economic and social […]

Health News

Laparoscopy for endometriosis: Tips and what to expect

Endometriosis is a condition that occurs when tissue similar to the tissue that lines the uterus grows in other places in the body, forming lesions. Endometrial tissue responds to hormones, causing some cramping and bleeding during a person’s period as their body expels the tissue. Having this tissue in other locations can cause severe pain, […]

Health News

Malabsorption: Causes, symptoms, and diagnosis

Some commonly known disorders related to malabsorption are lactose intolerance and celiac disease. People with a history of bowel or stomach surgery may also have malabsorption disorders. Because malabsorption affects a person’s abilities to get nutrients from food, it is essential that they see a doctor to get a diagnosis and treatment as quickly as […]

Health News

Gut bacteria and heart health: Is there a link?

If the latest medical research has taught us anything, it’s that our gut bacteria hold the key to our health. The trillions of micro-organisms that live in our gut seem to control every aspect of our well-being, from the size of our belly to the risk of chronic disease and even that of mental health […]