Pet Care

10 Ways to Help Dogs in Need This Month

October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, otherwise known as Dogtober, and we want to give you the tools and information you need to get involved this month and help animals in need! But there isn’t just one way to help give back to shelter dogs. Here are our top 10 ways you can help […]

Pet Care

90 Rescued Dogs Are On the Road to Recovery

In May, the ASPCA assisted in the rescue of more than 90 dogs from a dilapidated, single-wide trailer in Ohio. Many of the dogs were found with untreated medical conditions like skin infections, severe vision impairment, open wounds and bite marks. Some were found pregnant, and many were extremely fearful. Since the rescue, the dogs […]

Health News

Why cats and dogs may need their own COVID-19 vaccines

Cats and dogs may eventually need their own COVID-19 vaccines to prevent the coronavirus from evolving further and “spilling” back to humans, according to one group of researchers. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is known to infect a number of animals besides humans, including cats, dogs, minks, tigers and gorillas. However, at this time, […]

Pet Care

Is Fostering a Mistake? Get the REAL Scoop on Foster Dogs

During the month of October, we’re taking time to celebrate our rescued canine counterparts and encourage our friends nationwide to open their hearts and their homes to a dog in need—even if just temporarily as a foster caregiver.  An important step in the journeys of countless shelter animals is time in foster homes, and sadly, […]

Pet Care

ASPCA Removes 29 Dogs from Arkansas Property

On February 4, 2020, the ASPCA removed 29 dogs from a dilapidated property in Arkansas, upon the request of a local animal shelter and the Sheriff’s office. Of the 29 dogs, some show signs of mange and other medical issues, and almost all were housed in a small, unkempt, fenced-in area. There was no adequate […]