Some attention has been focused on secondary health effects from COVID-19, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. The challenges of giving birth during this pandemic, especially in these countries, has little empirical evidence. A new study, released ahead of print by Health Affairs, presents new evidence from Nigeria, which, notably, has been found to annually […]
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When does a bruise on an infant or young child signal abuse?
Bruising caused by physical abuse is the most common injury to be overlooked or misdiagnosed as non-abusive before an abuse-related fatality or near-fatality in a young child. A refined and validated bruising clinical decision rule (BCDR), called TEN-4-FACESp, which specifies body regions on which bruising is likely due to abuse for infants and young children, […]
COVID Can Harm the Infant Heart
THURSDAY, Dec. 3, 2020 – An infant diagnosed with COVID-19 showed signs of reversible heart injury and heart failure, according to a new case report. Researchers found the 2-month-old baby experienced heart issues similar to those seen in adults. The infant later recovered and was released with no heart medications. The report was published Dec. […]
Rural counties with access to obstetrics have healthier infant birth outcomes
Rural areas with local access to obstetrical care report better infant health outcomes, including lower infant mortality rates and fewer babies delivered underweight. The retrospective cohort study compared the birth outcomes of rural counties in Alabama with in-county obstetrical care to those without over a 12-year span from 2003 to 2017. Across all four outcome […]
Skin-to-skin contact does not improve interaction between mother and preterm infant
Following a premature birth, it is important that the parents and the infant quickly establish a good relationship. Researchers at Linköping University have studied the relationship between mothers and infants who have continuous skin-to-skin contact during the entire period from birth to discharge from the hospital. The results show that continuous skin-to-skin contact does not […]
2003 to 2017 saw drop in infant mortality due to birth defects
From 2003 to 2017, there was a decrease in infant mortality attributable to birth defects (IMBD) overall, although considerable differences were seen in the decreases by maternal and infant characteristics, according to research published in the Jan. 17 issue of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Lynn M. […]
Animal study shows how stress and mother’s abuse affects infant brain
A new study in rats shows the extent of brain damage in newborn rodents from even short-term abuse by their mother. Past studies in animals and humans have established how a mother’s abuse can lead to brain shrinkage in her infants’ amygdala and hippocampus, parts of the brain that process fear and memory, researchers say. […]
Lack of oxygen doesn’t kill infant brain cells, as previously thought
Nearly 15 million babies are born prematurely, or before 37 weeks of pregnancy, around the world each year. When born too early, a baby’s immature respiratory center in the brain often fails to signal it to breathe, resulting in low oxygen levels, or hypoxia, in the brain. Research published in the Journal of Neuroscience shows […]
Can pomegranate juice protect the infant brain?
When it comes to protecting the newborn brain, taking steps to mitigate risk before birth may be critical. Some newborns, such as those with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), are at heightened risk. Being able to intervene before birth to aid in protecting the newborn brain may prevent the often-devastating effects of brain injury. In ongoing […]
Infant mortality is higher for low-skilled parents
Infants of women with a short-term education are more likely to die within the first year of life. In more than half of cases, the cause of death is premature childbirth and low foetal weight. This is shown by research from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital. In Denmark, four out of 1,000 newborn babies […]