Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by the presence of amyloid plaques in the patient’s brain. These plaques sequester copper, and contain approximately five times as much as a healthy brain. Two CNRS scientists from the Coordination Chemistry Laboratory recently developed, with their colleagues from the Guangdong University of Technology and Shenzhen University (China), a molecule that […]
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Stable connections between nerve cells are the basis of memory
Memories are part of our lives, the good and the bad. Through our senses, experiences reach our brain where networks of nerve cells encode them into a memory. It was previously unclear why only certain nerve cells join together for this purpose. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich have now discovered […]
‘No recollection:’ Woman has sudden, unexplained episodes of memory loss
(HealthDay)—Imagine standing at your bathroom sink, and then you suddenly find yourself in bed but you don’t remember how you got there. Then you discover hours have passed, yet you have no memory of what happened during that time. That frightening scenario happened to Amy Losak, 64, twice, once in October 2016, and then again […]
Brain activity patterns linked with improved learning and memory in multiple sclerosis
A recent article by Kessler Foundation researchers demonstrated g people with multiple sclerosis (MS). The article, “Brain activation patterns associated with paragraph learning in persons with multiple sclerosis: The MEMREHAB trial,” (doi: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2019.09.008 ) was epublished on October 20, 2019 by the International Journal of Psychophysiology. The authors are Olga Boukrina, Ph.D., Ekaterina Dobryakova, Ph.D., […]
Rejuvenating the brain: More stem cells improve learning and memory of old mice
The older we get the more our brains will find it difficult to learn and remember new things. The research group led by Professor Federico Calegari used a method to stimulate the small pool of neural stem cells that reside in the brain in order to increase their number and the number of neurons generated […]
The genetic signature of memory
Despite their common involvement in memory, the human cortex and subcortex display a distinct collection of gene signatures. The work recently published in eNeuro increases our understanding of how the brain creates memories and identifies potential genes for further investigation. While scientists have extensively explored the anatomy and function of memory, its biological basis remains […]
Measles infection wipes our immune system’s memory leaving us vulnerable to other diseases
Scientists have shown how measles causes long-term damage to the immune system, leaving people vulnerable to other infections. Researchers from the Wellcome Sanger Institute, University of Amsterdam and their collaborators revealed that the measles virus deletes part of the immune system’s memory, removing previously existing immunity to other infections, in both humans and ferrets. Importantly, […]
Link between paid employment and slower age-related memory decline
Over the past century, patterns of employment, marriage and parenthood have changed drastically for women across the Western World. In a study presented today at the Alzheimer’s Association Internal Conference 2019, researchers have explored how differences in life experiences affect later life memory decline. A team of researchers from the University of California looked at […]
A bio-psycho-Loge about to Forget: If we call memories, you are in danger
Mr Güntürkün, have you forgotten today is actually something? Yes of course, unfortunately, very much. I could tell you, for example, spontaneously, what I worked today so between nine and ten o’clock, without reconstructing it on the basis of many other Details. I also remember that my wife wore this morning a pair of Jeans, […]
Health: Alzheimer’s in the mitttleren age a high cholesterol level
Pay attention to the protection against Alzheimer’s on your cholesterol levels High cholesterol increases the risk of an early onset of Alzheimer’s disease and may trigger according to the latest findings even with the devastating disorder of the brain. In the present study, of Emory University found that a high cholesterol level increases the risk […]