Suicidal thoughts have haunted nearly one of every 10 pre-teens in the United States, a new study reveals. About 8.4% of children aged 9 or 10 said they’d temporarily or regularly harbored thoughts of suicide, researchers report. Importantly, only around 1% of children that age reported a suicide attempt or planning their suicide. But suicidal […]
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Suicidal teenager hospitalised with schizophrenia was infected by CAT
Teenager caught a mind-altering infection from his cat, started believing he was the ‘son of the devil’ and having suicidal thoughts The unnamed 14-year-old boy was first hospitalised in October 2015 He suffered with hallucinations, rage outbursts and thoughts of killing his family After dozens of treatments failed, he endured 11 weeks of extensive testing It […]
Educative input from others who have had their own suicidal experiences can reduce suicidal ideation
The role of people with their own experience of suicidal ideation is an important topic in suicide prevention work. This role is corroborated by the recently conducted study, which is the largest so far with a total of 545 participants. Working with colleagues from Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich and Leuven University in Belgium, study […]
Increased violence and suicidal thoughts characterized in study of men
An Australian first study involving 1000 men aged 18 to 30 has found those who conform to traditional definitions of manhood – dubbed ‘the man box’ – are twice as likely to consider suicide and seven times more likely to be violent towards others. The Man Box: A study on being a young man in […]
Brief safety plan intervention in ER can cut suicidal behavior
(HealthDay)—Use of the Safety Planning Intervention (SPI) plus follow-up phone calls for suicidal patients presenting in the emergency department cuts suicidal behavior and increases the likelihood of outpatient mental health treatment over the next six months, according to a study published online July 11 in JAMA Psychiatry. Barbara Stanley, Ph.D., from Columbia University in New […]