Credit: CC0 Public Domain “You’ve got your whole life ahead of you,” young adults are often told—but that’s of little comfort to the many 20- and 30-somethings who face “adulting” challenges like career uncertainty, overwhelming student loan debt, and relationship difficulties. The uncertainties of this time of life leave many feeling depressed, insecure, and rudderless. […]
Dermatologists explain Why it is enough to take a shower twice a week – Video
Anyone who pays attention to a good body hygiene, is usually daily in the shower. Experts claim, however, is that you have to. On the contrary, Daily showers can even be harmful. ©glomex From our network of CHIP: how to protect your children from Cyber-bullying: The Privalino App from the cave of the lion pixabay
Take this advice for sleeping during a heatwave
It is the time of year when steamy nights can leave us tossing and turning in the early hours of the morning (and fronting up to work the next day with sore heads and bleary eyes, as if we had spent the evening doing something much more exciting). So is there a sneaky trick to […]
Take it outside! The benefits of exercising outdoors
(HealthDay)—If you’ve ever come home from a brisk walk feeling reinvigorated, you’re not alone. Research shows that this is just one of many benefits of exercising outdoors. Working out in a natural environment can also be more physically challenging, making your body work harder and bringing greater fitness results. This happens when, for instance, you’re […]
Paralyzed patients take first steps after implant, intense rehab
May 22, 2018: Jeff Marquis of Louisville, Ky., is helped by his physical therapist. (AP) Three people whose legs were paralyzed for years can stand and take steps again thanks to an electrical implant that zaps the injured spinal cord — along with months of intense rehab, researchers reported Monday. The milestone, reported by two […]
Do you take all your annual holiday leave? You’ll likely live longer if you do
Did you skip your summer holiday, or didn’t take enough time off during the festive season? You might want to rethink your plans for the rest of the year and 2019. Getting away from work and other commitments could be the key to a longer life. A study that began in the 1970s to determine […]
Join the Factory Farm Detox: Take a Bite Out of Farm Animal Cruelty
This month, we’re launching one of our biggest fights against cruel factory farming ever. The Factory Farm Detox is a weeklong commitment to animals, the planet and your health. From September 24-30, detox participants across the country will avoid all factory farmed foods, opting instead for welfare-certified meat, eggs and dairy, as well as plant-based […]
To help seniors stay active for longer, physicians take new approach to healthy aging
It’s 11 A.M., and patient Carlton “Carty” Spencer is holding court with family members in his room at Keck Hospital of USC. When another visitor arrives, he bounds out of bed to greet him. “Sit here,” he motions, clearing a spot on his blankets. He is almost as excited to talk about his operation as […]