If the alcohol through the bloodstream to organs and tissue, he can there in the long term, a variety of damage to inflict. So alcohol, for example, can …
- … via its degradation product acetaldehyde, which is a cell poison, damage to the genetic material cause, and the emergence of cancer of the favor.
- … to cell damage , since the formation of free Radicals in the body promotes.
- … a lack of vitamins and other nutrients, to trigger, by its inclusion inhibits.
No wonder, then, that health of harmful alcohol consumption as a (co -) responsible for over 200 different diseases, is. These include for example:
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular Diseases
- Digestive and metabolic diseases (e.g., gastric mucosa, pancreatic and liver inflammation, gout)
But what exactly health is harmful? The General use of language, and judging from alcoholic drinks with lower alcohol content should be less harmful than spirits, which generally contain at least 15 percent alcohol by volume. Finally, such high-percentage alcohol is also referred to as hard alcohol.
At least many people in Germany as you can be with low-percentage alcohol to be on the safe side: a Day of beer or wine to drink in this country is often the rule. Alone, the annual beer consumption averages 100 liters per Person – the equivalent of nearly 317 bottles of 0.33 liters.
Who is this Form of alcohol consumption for harmless holding, subject, however, to a mistake: Because the only deciding factor is how much alcohol one drinks – the type of drink does not matter. In other words: no Matter whether you want to drink 300 milliliters of beer, 125 milliliters of wine or 40 milliliters of whiskey with each of these drinks, you take the same amount of pure alcohol.
This is the amount of alcohol, from the health effects to be expected is reached faster than I thought: Only those who average less than 100 grams of pure alcohol per week drinks, is damaging his health is not, or hardly.
In both men and women, the higher the amounts of Alcohol consume, shortened life expectancy , on average, …
- … to a year and a half in the case of a weekly consumption of 100 to 200 grams of alcohol.
- … two years in the case of a weekly consumption of 200 to 350 grams of alcohol.
- … to five years in the case of a weekly consumption of more than 350 grams of alcohol.
Low percent of alcohol is by no means harmless: the daily glass of wine or beer can of the liver, brain and other organs damage and the risk for cancer increase. Therefore, professionals recommend …
- … Women to drink no more than 12 grams of alcohol per day – approximately a small beer (0.3 liters) or a small glass of wine (0.125 l).
- … Men to drink no more than 24 grams of alcohol per day – for example, two small beer (0.6 litres) or a large glass of wine (0.25 liters).
- … in General, not to drink at least two days per week, no alcohol, so the Drink is a habit.
Short and sweet:
- Alcohol drinking brings no health benefits.
- The more alcohol you drink, the more harmful it is.
- Beer, champagne and wine are just as harmful as liquor.
Online information from the Federal centre for health Ausklärung (BZgA): www.kenn-dein-limit.de (retrieval date: 26.11.2019)
Alcohol. Online information of the Institute for quality and efficiency in healthcare (IQWiG): www.gesundheitsinformation.de (status: 6.11.2019)
Long, C., et al.: Alcohol consumption by adults in Germany: Risky drinking amounts, consequences and measures. Journal of Health Monitoring, Vol. 1, Issue 1, P. 2-21 (September 2016)
For More Information
Onmeda-Reading Tips:
- Risky alcohol consumption: How much is too much?
- Alcohol consumption: a model function of the parents is more important than I thought
- Dry January: How much does the alcohol break, really?
- Alcohol damage to the Baby: 100 percent avoidable
- Alcohol researchers: “binge drinking must not be longer socially acceptable”
- Smoking, alcohol, Overweight: These factors contribute to cancer the most
Link tips:
- www.kenn-dein-limit.deInformationen and tips from the Federal centre for health Ausklärung (BZgA) round around health-conscious alcohol consumption
*The post, “Are beer, champagne and wine are less harmful than hard alcohol?” is published by Onmeda. Contact with the executives here.